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Creating digital modeling. I try to create, reattachable parts, connected screws, clips – for a minimum of glue.
3D Printing and Testing. Each layer is thoroughly tested for the ideal shape and the best possible internal structure. In some cases, I will provide printing plates compatible with Prusa Slic3r slicers.
Detail. I try to keep as much detail and scale as possible according to the actual pattern.
Maximum 3D printing. I prefer most parts printed in 3D. For endless spare parts, virtually free. For compatibility with most 3D printers.
Assembly. Easy installation is also the goal. For demanding assemblies, a PDF or video user guide is included.

If you want to ask anything or establish cooperation contact me at E-mail: cermy.3dmodels@gmail .com

Brezinova 3643/6
58601 Jihlava
Czech Republic – EU

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